Hammer Lateral Raise to Fly

Hammer Lateral Raise to Fly

  • Duration: 00:00:16
Body Part: Pectoralis, Triceps, Deltoids, Trapezius, Serratus, Supraspinatus, Lower Back, & Core
Equipment: Dumbbells
Difficulty: Beginner

1.Begin with your arms hanging down together and in front of you palms facing forward.
Now, while keeping your arms straight, but with a slight bend in the elbow, pull the dumbbells up to shoulder height ("T" position) on the outside of your body, your palms should face forward the entire time.
2. While remaining at shoulder height and without bending your arms, bring the DB's together in front of your chest, pause, return to the "T" position and slowly lower to starting position and repeat.
3. Maintain a slight tilt forward at the hips the entire time.

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