About Us
We are HIIT56 Online and we are REAL.
The truth, is that we are not the greatest fitness site out there. We are not owned by Chris Hemsworth’s Centr, Obe, or Les Mills. We do not have perfect bodies, perfect diets, and millions of dollars. We are REAL people just like you. We struggle, we sweat, we are flawed, and because of this, WE WORK HARDER than ever to attain our goals in the real world. Just like you. We continue to do our absolute best to actually get to know you on a personal level through our social media and comment sections. To really help you to achieve your goals. To always motivate you and call out your names in our videos. To really listen to what you have to say after workouts. We aren’t the million dollar sites with perfect body trainers, that promise you unrealistic things. We are YOU and YOU are US, and WE are STRONG TOGETHER! WE are HIIT56 ONLINE!! 🔥🙌 Join your fitness family today!

The struggle was real with the overwhelming fear of the pandemic impacting the world. Luckily, since we were, at that moment, in the process of launching an EPIC YouTube Channel (Hiit56 Online on YouTube), we were setup and able to quickly stream DAILY ONLINE AT HOME WORKOUTS for those that were trapped in quarantine, and did not want to lose momentum of their amazing health and fitness goals! So it began!! And grew!! and now has become this amazing site with an EVER GROWING DATABASE of OVER 600+ HIIT CLASSES!!!
Well… we’d say, with the amazing support of all of you, OUR MEMBERS!! We are grown’ the SHIZNIT out of this!
Our mission, to create a centralized hub of UNIQUE On-Demand workouts, so that no matter where you are or what is happening, you have the ability to workout, de-stress, boost energy, and continue your health and fitness goals with literally NO EXCUSES! EVEN TAKING US TO THE GYM WITH YOU!!
- De-Stress
- Boost Energy
- Reach Goals! At Home Or In The Gym!