DB Rear Delt Raise

DB Rear Delt Raise

  • Duration: 00:00:31
**Body Part/Parts Used:**
Rear Deltoids (Posterior Deltoid), Trapezius, Rhomboids, and Teres Minor.

**Equipment Needed:**


### Directions:
1. **Starting Position**: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward, arms fully extended, and hands in front of your thighs.

2. **Hinge Forward**: Flex your hips and knees slightly, and hinge forward at the waist. Keep your back straight and your gaze forward, so your torso is almost parallel to the floor.

3. **Arm Position**: Let your arms hang down perpendicular to the floor, maintaining the palm inward position.

4. **Brace Core**: Before you initiate the lift, make sure to brace your core and maintain a slight bend in your elbows.

5. **Lift**: Keeping your elbows slightly bent, lift the dumbbells straight back and up, aiming to align your arms with your back at the top of the movement. The key here is to make the rear deltoids do the work; avoid using your back or leg muscles to propel the weights up.

6. **Pause and Lower**: Once your arms are aligned with your back, pause for a moment to feel the contraction in your rear deltoids. Lower the weights back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

7. **Repeat**: Perform the desired number of repetitions and sets.

### What it Does & Benefits:
This exercise is highly effective for isolating and building the rear deltoids. It also works on improving upper body strength and posture. By focusing on the rear deltoids, this exercise helps balance out shoulder development, which is crucial for functional activities and reduces the risk of shoulder injuries. Moreover, the involvement of stabilizing muscles like the trapezius and rhomboids enhances overall back and shoulder strength.

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