Bulgarian Jump Squat

Bulgarian Jump Squat

  • Duration: 00:00:18
Body Part: Quadriceps, Glutes, Groin
Equipment: Bench, Chair, Step, or the Like
Difficulty: Intermediate

Step 1: Stand with feet hip width apart and approximately 2 shoulder widths in length with shoelaces down on a bench. Set spine in neutral.

Step 2: Drop the trailing knee down until it is 1-2 inches off the ground maintaining a slight forward torso angle. Strive to achieve a 90˚ knee angle or thigh parallel at the bottom of the movement.

Step 3: Reverse the pattern and power up with force until foot leaves the floor. Point airborne toe. Control the landing softly while loading for the next rep. Maintain posture throughout.
Step 4: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Ensure knee tracks in line with toes. Avoid lifting the front heel, allowing the knee to collapse inward while lowering. (Make sure the bench or box is stable, secure, and the correct height to allow for this).

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